Name This Flower

Name This Flower
So who can name this flower from our garden?? Winner will get a prime spot on our weblog and a link to their weblog. So send your entries in by posting comments.


a. said…
It's an azalea. Maybe even a mountain azalea, it's difficult to see from the picture.
No prime spot, please, no link. This was fun enough :)
Pavansut said…
Azalea it is! Mademoiselle A, you are brilliant!
a. said…
Oh no - just from a family with a long gardening tradition ;)Yours is a beautiful garden.

I am one of the contributors of the teaswap blog, by the way - thank you for commenting to one of the members' post the other day.
Pavansut said…
Thank you for your comments Mademoisselle A! We take pride in our garden, but this year the Japanese beetles have wreacked a havoc on my flowers!!

Teaswap is one of my favorite sites. I go there quite often, although I don't comment much there. Not many sites talk tea. My wife has a tea business, and both our families are steeped in tea. If you get a chance, do visit it some time. The website is

Again, thanks for stopping by!

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